3010 Lakeland Cove, Suite W
Flowood, MS 39232
Telephone: 601-932-1973
Fax: 601-932-1901
Email: funeral_board@msbfs.state.ms.us www.transparency.mississippi.gov
Transparency.ms.gov has been created to promote transparency in government and in spending.
There is a wealth of data available on the site that is searchable,
viewable on screen, and can also be printed for offline usage.
Dates to Remember
2024 UPCOMING RENEWALS - Renewal Notices are mailed out at least 30 days before the expiration date.
FD/FS/CO Expiration Date 6/30/2024
FE/BE/MS/CR Expiration Date 12/31/2024
FSRT/FDRT Expiration Date 12/31/2024
Renewals must be paid online or postmarked by the expiration date to avoid additional fees. If you need a renewal form you may access a blank one HERE. A form is not required to renew.
Quarterly Reports must be submitted timely to receive credit. The schedule of reporting is below.
Rule 6.1 (5) If the quarterly report is not timely submitted, that quarter shall not be counted toward
successful completion of the apprenticeship. Timely submission of a quarterly report shall be
within fifteen (15) calendar days following the conclusion of the quarter.
The Mississippi State Board of Funeral Service is responsible for
implementing the provisions of the Funeral Service Law for the purpose of
better protection of life and health and regulating the practice of
embalming, funeral directing and the care and disposition of dead human
The Board is authorized to prescribe a standard of proficiency as to
the qualifications of embalmers and funeral directors, to revoke or
suspend licenses for any violations of this law, to adopt rules and
regulations and to set standards of sanitation to be observed in the
embalming or cremation of dead human bodies. Any person desiring to
engage in the practice of embalming and/or the practice of funeral
directing or operating a funeral establishment must first meet the
requirements of the law and rules and be licensed by the Board.